
Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Describe your featured media and how it will enhance the user’s life and experience.

My media gadget is a notepad. It is not only a notepad, however. The CyberPad notepad is a clipboard notepad that remembers everything. The user can write on the notepad whatever they want, and then plug it into the computer, and everything they wrote on the notepad will show up on the computer screen. With the special pen that comes with the notepad, the user can easily save trees, and keep everything on files on their computer. For a not so expensive price, the CyberPad (as it is called) is affordable, and easy to use.
This product will enhance the lives of many people. Whether they are a journalist, a businessman or woman, an architect, a teacher, etc., this product will benefit many lives. It’s built in memory keeps people from losing their important notes, and the fact that it can be plugged into the computer and drained of the notes helps a lot, too.

Past Technologies

Outline the elements this invention retrieves from past technologies.

The new CyberPad invention is taking an old style notepad, and turning it into something more useful. The old style notepad was able to write on, but with the new CyberPad, the user can write on it, and they won’t worry about losing their information. The CyberPad is a step up form an old style notepad. The old notepad used a lot of paper, and people could easily lose their information. With the new CyberPad, no one has to worry about that problem.


State what this new media will obsolesce.

The new technology of the CyberPad will make the old notepad go out of date. The old style notepads will no longer be bought, because they are just a hassle. Old style notepads were not technology savvy, and now that inventors have made a new style notepad that is easy to use, affordable, and exciting, the old style notepad will no longer be produced.
However, this is not stating that many people are going to buy one. Although it is very nice and affordable, some people might still like the old style clipboard notepad style.

Outer Limit

Define what factors this invention will reverse when pushed to its outer limit.

If everyone starts to buy a CyberPad, then the production will have to be a lot quicker, and faster. They will go out of stock quickly, and then there will be high demands for them. The companies will have to produce them so that the high demands of the product will be met.